Sacred Sites of Chile

Chile Map

Chile: Landscapes of Faith and Ancient Wonder

From the windswept plains of Patagonia to the vibrant coastal towns, Chile houses a wealth of sacred sites that reveal its rich spiritual history. Indigenous traditions, the strong influence of Catholicism, and the awe-inspiring power of natural landscapes contribute to the country's tapestry of places imbued with devotion and deep cultural significance.

Easter Island

One of the most intriguing archaeological sites on Earth, Easter Island (pictured above) overflows with spiritual significance. The enigmatic moai statues stand sentinel, testament to the complex practices and religious beliefs of the ancient Rapa Nui people. Its enduring power lies in the mysteries yet to be fully understood, prompting visitors to consider the deep connection between people and their environment.

Jesus Nazarene Church of Caguach, Caguach Island

The Iglesia Jesús Nazareno on Chiloé Island stands as a striking example of traditional Chilote architecture. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, its unique construction methods and design embody the cultural importance and religious heritage of the area.

Church of San Expedito, Renaca

Dedicated to Saint Expeditus, the patron saint of urgent causes, the Iglesia de San Expedito offers a place for supplication and the offering of thanks. This modern church is known for attracting those seeking solutions in times of need or expressing gratitude for answered prayers.

Sanctuary of Lady Purisima of Vasquez, Valparaiso

Each December, thousands make a religious pilgrimage to the Santuario Lo Vásquez. With origins linked to miraculous appearances of the Virgin Mary, this hilltop sanctuary serves as the destination for expressions of faith and devotion amongst believers of all backgrounds.

Church of the Virgin of Carmen, La Tirana

During the annual Fiesta de La Tirana, religious devotion explodes in the town of La Tirana. This vibrant feast draws pilgrims for religious worship, colorful ceremonies, and dances as participants honor the Virgin of Carmen, showcasing a blend of Indigenous traditions and Catholic practices.

Basilica of Andacollo, Andacollo

Basilica of Andacollo, Andacollo

Andacollo surges with vibrancy during its annual religious festivals dedicated to the Virgin of Andacollo. Pilgrims journey to the Basilica of Andacollo to participate in processions, dances, and expressions of deep faith, celebrating traditions dating back centuries.

Church of San Sebastián, Yumbel

Centuries of devotion center upon San Sebastián de Yumbel. Pilgrims seeking comfort, support, or miracles make their way to the Iglesia de San Sebastián, reflecting the deeply held respect for this religious figure that dates back to colonial times.

Geoglyphs of Cerro Sagrado, Azapa Valley

The Cerro Sagrado in Arica offers a fascinating mix of ancient archaeological heritage and more recent spiritual uses. Pre-Inca archaeological remains and the vibrant expressions of faith left by modern practitioners share this dramatic hilltop site, revealing the continuing evolution of sacred expression in this region.

Conguillío National Park: Araucaria Forests

Within the vast Conguillío National Park, forests of ancient Araucaria trees hold deep significance for the Mapuche people. Revered as sacred entities, they signify resilience, longevity, and a vital link to the ancestral wisdom of this indigenous culture.

Chiloé Island Churches

Beyond the Iglesia Jesús Nazareno, Chilóe Island is dotted with many exquisite examples of Chilote Church architecture. Designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, these unique wooden structures showcase a masterful blend of indigenous and European influences, forming a distinct chapter within Chile's religious architecture.


While visiting these sacred sites, please always remember to demonstrate respect for local customs and traditions. Sensitivity to the significance of these locations for people of all faiths will enhance your own understanding and cultural sensitivity.

Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.