Sacred Sites of Myanmar

Myanmar Map

Myanmar: Land of Golden Pagodas

Myanmar (Burma), with its rich Buddhist heritage, is home to countless sacred sites that inspire awe and devotion. From ancient temple cities to mountaintop stupas, Myanmar offers a journey of profound spiritual significance.


Ananda Temple:

One of the largest and best-preserved temples in Bagan, known for its elegant architecture and gold-tipped spires.

Dhammayangyi Temple:

Bagan's most massive temple, renowned for its intricate brickwork and imposing structure.

Shwesandaw Pagoda:

A prominent pagoda offering stunning panoramic views of the Bagan plain, especially popular during sunset.

Thatbyinnyu Temple:

The tallest temple in Bagan, visible throughout the ancient city, and known for its complex interior layout.

Other Notable Sites

Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon:

Myanmar's most sacred Buddhist pagoda, covered in gold leaf and diamonds, its central stupa enshrines relics of the Buddha.

Kyaiktiyo Golden Rock Pagoda:

A small pagoda balanced precariously on a gravity-defying golden boulder, making it one of the most iconic pilgrimage sites for Buddhists in Myanmar.

Mahamuni Pagoda, Mandalay:

Home to the Mahamuni Buddha image, a highly revered statue believed to have been created during the Buddha's lifetime.

Pindaya Caves:

A complex of limestone caves filled with thousands of Buddha images, creating a mystical and awe-inspiring pilgrimage site.

Mount Popa:

An extinct volcano considered the abode of powerful 'nats' (spirits). Home to a monastery complex perched on the peak, it offers dramatic views and a glimpse into Myanmar's spirit worship traditions.

Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Bago:

The tallest pagoda in Myanmar, its gold-covered stupa towers over Bago and serves as an important pilgrimage destination.

Shwe Inn Dein Pagoda:

A complex of ancient stupas on the shores of Inle Lake, known for their picturesque setting and unique Shan-style architecture.

Buddha Tooth Pagoda, Yangon:

This pagoda enshrines what is believed to be a relic tooth of the Buddha, drawing Buddhist devotees from around Myanmar.

Shwe Bon Thar Muni Pagoda, Pyay:

Known for its large, white seated Buddha image, it is a popular pilgrimage destination and place for quiet reflection.

Shwe San Daw Pagoda, Pyay:

One of the five most respected Buddhist sites in Myanmar, this golden pagoda houses an important Buddha relic and attracts many pilgrims.


Myanmar possesses a vast number of other sacred sites, ranging from grand temple complexes to smaller stupas with local significance. Approaching these places with respect for Myanmar's Buddhist culture and traditions is essential.

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Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.