Sacred Sites of Costa Rica

Costa Rica Map

Costa Rica: Where Nature and Spirit Intertwine

Costa Rica's lush tropical landscapes interweave rich indigenous spirituality with the legacy of Catholicism, making for a fascinating tapestry of places for connection with the divine. From vibrant churches to enigmatic pre-Columbian sites and soaring volcanoes steeped in lore, here's a look at some significant sacred spaces this Central American nation has to offer.

Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles, Cartago

The Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles (pictured above) in Cartago stands as a major pilgrimage site within Costa Rica. Thousands converge annually, attracted by its beautiful architecture and legend of miraculous apparitions attributed to the Black Virgin enshrined within. Its significance embodies the enduring power of faith within the nation.

Volcán Irazú

Rising high above the central valley, Volcán Irazú held deep significance for pre-Columbian cultures. Even in the modern day, it embodies a sense of power and connection to the earth, reminding both visitors and locals of the raw presence of nature.

Guayabo National Monument

A testament to a sophisticated pre-Columbian society, Guayabo National Monument allows visitors to explore remnants of stone structures, roads, and aqueducts. Intriguing circular mound forms suggest communal spaces for ceremonies and gatherings, hinting at a well-established social order linked to this significant archaeological site.

Ujarras Ruins

Situated among Costa Rica's mountain valleys, ruins of the Ujarras church, the oldest Spanish colonial church erected in the nation, still exudes an air of sanctity. Though the original was heavily damaged in floods, its remnants and a newer church built alongside speak to the historical significance and continuing devotion of the local community.

Indigenous Influence and Sites

Within Costa Rica, vibrant indigenous traditions and the preservation of natural landscapes carry strong connections to spiritual beliefs. Many sacred sites might have restricted public access to preserve both tangible and intangible heritage. Respecting and seeking permissions allow for better awareness of how sacred places remain interconnected with contemporary spirituality in Costa Rica.


While exploring Costa Rica's sacred sites, please keep in mind local customs and potential for restricted access. Practicing mindful tourism and acknowledging these spaces respectfully helps maintain an ethical and meaningful travel experience.

Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.