Sacred Sites of North Korea

North Korea Map

North Korea: Sites of Reverence and National Identity

North Korea's mountainous landscapes hold a special place in the country's narrative, often intertwined with revolutionary history and the cult of leadership that surrounds the Kim dynasty.

Paektu Mountain (Baekdu-san)

The highest mountain on the Korean peninsula, Paektu Mountain holds immense political and mythological significance in North Korea. It is celebrated as the birthplace of Kim Jong Il (father of the current leader Kim Jong Un) and features prominently in North Korean propaganda. The mountain and its associated sites are places for ideological pilgrimage.


Known for its scenic beauty and hiking trails, Myohyang-san is also home to the International Friendship Exhibition, a vast museum complex housing gifts given to the Kim leaders by foreign dignitaries.


Located on the northeastern coast, Chilbo-san is renowned for its rugged rock formations and scenic landscapes. It is a popular destination for domestic tourists and nature enthusiasts.


This mountain holds historical significance as the site of an alleged battle between Kim Il Sung (the founder of North Korea) and Japanese forces during the anti-colonial resistance.


A mountain located in Kaesong, North Korea, with historical and cultural importance and scenic beauty.


It's important to understand that accessing information regarding religious practices and traditional pilgrimage sites in North Korea is challenging due to the country's political system and suppression of religious freedom. The sites listed above are primarily revered for their connection to the North Korean leadership cult and national identity.

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Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.