Sacred Sites of Romania

Romania Map

Sacred Sites of Romania

Romania, a land of rich history and spiritual diversity, offers a captivating tapestry of sacred sites that reflect its unique blend of cultural and religious traditions. From ancient Dacian ruins to medieval monasteries and ornate churches, these sites provide glimpses into the country's complex past and enduring faith.

Archaeological Sites

Sarmizegetusa Regia

The former capital of the Dacian kingdom, Sarmizegetusa Regia is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a significant archaeological complex. It features the ruins of temples, fortifications, and other structures from the Dacian era.

Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana

The capital of Roman Dacia, Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana was a thriving city during the Roman period. Its ruins, including the amphitheater, forum, and temples, provide insights into Roman urban planning and architecture.


Darjiu Unitarian Church

A fortified church in the village of Darjiu, known for its unique frescoes depicting biblical scenes and historical figures. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a symbol of the Transylvanian Unitarian community.

Dealul Mitropoliei

This hill in Iași is home to the Metropolitan Cathedral, a grand neo-Byzantine edifice that serves as the seat of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bukovina. It is a place of worship and a prominent landmark in the city.

Leud Hill Church

This fortified church in the village of Leud is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a well-preserved example of Transylvanian Saxon architecture. It features defensive towers, thick walls, and a beautiful interior with Gothic elements.


Barsana Monastery

A wooden monastery in the Maramureș region, known for its intricate architecture and serene atmosphere. It is part of a UNESCO World Heritage site and a significant center of Romanian Orthodox faith.

Bistrița Monastery

Located in Bistrița, this monastery features a beautiful church with impressive frescoes and a rich history dating back to the 15th century. It is a place of worship and cultural heritage.

Cozia Monastery

Nestled in the Călimănești Valley, this monastery is a prominent landmark and a spiritual retreat. It boasts impressive architecture, including a Byzantine-style church and frescoes dating back to the 14th century.

Crasna Monastery

Situated near the village of Crasna, this monastery is known for its peaceful atmosphere and its association with the Romanian Orthodox monk Arsenie Boca, revered for his spiritual teachings and artistic talent.

Csiksomlyo Monastery, Miercurea Ciuc (Our Lady of Sumuleu Ciuc)

This Franciscan monastery is a major pilgrimage site for both Catholics and Hungarians, who gather annually for the Pentecost pilgrimage. It is home to a statue of the Virgin Mary believed to have miraculous powers.

Curtea De Arges Monastery

This monastery complex in Curtea de Argeș is a significant historical and architectural landmark. It features a cathedral with intricate stone carvings and is associated with legends and folklore.

Hurezi Monastery

A UNESCO World Heritage site, Hurezi Monastery is renowned for its Brancovenesc architectural style and intricate frescoes. It is considered a masterpiece of Romanian religious art and architecture.

Maria Radna Monastery and Church

Located in Lipova, this Baroque-style monastery is a significant pilgrimage site for Roman Catholics. It features a beautiful church with ornate decorations and a rich history dating back to the 18th century.

Neamț Monastery

Situated in the Neamț Mountains, this monastery is one of the oldest and most important in Romania. It houses a collection of valuable religious artifacts and manuscripts and is known for its spiritual atmosphere and stunning natural surroundings.

Nicula Monastery

Located near Gherla, this monastery is known for its miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary, believed to have healing powers. It is a popular pilgrimage site, especially during the Assumption of Mary feast in August.

One Tree Monastery (Dintr-un Lemn)

This unique wooden church in the Apuseni Mountains is named after the single oak tree from which it was constructed. It is a testament to traditional craftsmanship and a place of spiritual significance.

Prislop Monastery

Nestled in the Țara Hațegului region, this monastery is the resting place of Arsenie Boca, a revered Romanian Orthodox monk and spiritual leader. It is a pilgrimage destination for those seeking solace and guidance.

Putna Monastery

Founded by Stephen the Great in the 15th century, Putna Monastery is a significant cultural and historical landmark. It houses the tomb of Stephen the Great and a collection of medieval art and artifacts.

Radu Vodă Monastery

Located in Bucharest, this monastery is known for its beautiful church with intricate frescoes and its peaceful courtyard. It is a place of worship and a cultural heritage site in the heart of the capital.

Râmeț Monastery

Situated in the Trascău Mountains, this monastery is carved into a rock face and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. It is a place of spiritual retreat and a testament to human ingenuity.

Rohia Monastery

Perched on a hill in the Lăpuș Mountains, this monastery is a place of tranquility and spiritual reflection. It is known for its library, which houses a collection of rare books and manuscripts.

Rupestra Sinca Veche Monastery

This cave monastery in the Buzău Mountains is a unique example of Romanian religious architecture. It features rock-cut cells and chapels adorned with frescoes and is a place of spiritual retreat and contemplation.

Sâmbăta de Sus Monastery (Brâncoveanu Monastery)

Located in the Făgăraș Mountains, this monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a prime example of Brâncovenesc architecture. It is known for its beautiful frescoes, serene atmosphere, and rich history.

Sihăstria Monastery

Nestled in the Neamț Mountains, Sihăstria Monastery is a place of spiritual retreat and reflection. It is known for its strict monastic rules and its focus on prayer and contemplation.

Sinaia Monastery

Founded in the 17th century, Sinaia Monastery is a prominent landmark in the town of Sinaia. It features a beautiful church with Byzantine and Romanian architectural elements and is a popular tourist destination.

St. John the New Monastery

Situated in Suceava, this monastery houses the relics of Saint John the New, a 14th-century merchant who was martyred in Cetatea Albă (now Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine). It is a place of pilgrimage and a significant religious site.

Sucevița Monastery

A UNESCO World Heritage site, Sucevița Monastery is renowned for its exterior frescoes depicting biblical scenes and historical events. It is a masterpiece of Moldavian art and architecture.

Tismana Monastery

Located in the Tismana Gorge, this monastery is known for its peaceful atmosphere and its association with the Romanian Orthodox monk Nicodim, who is believed to have lived in a cave nearby.

Voroneț Monastery

Another UNESCO World Heritage site, Voroneț Monastery is famous for its vibrant blue exterior frescoes, often referred to as "Voroneț blue." It is a masterpiece of Byzantine art and a significant cultural landmark.


Rock sculpture of Decebalus

Carved into a rock face overlooking the Danube River, this massive sculpture depicts Decebalus, the last king of Dacia. It is a symbol of Romanian national identity and a popular tourist attraction.


MNAC - Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană al României

The National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest showcases a diverse collection of modern and contemporary Romanian and international art. It is a vibrant cultural hub and a platform for artistic expression.

Muzeul ASTRA

Located in Sibiu, the ASTRA Museum is an open-air ethnographic museum that exhibits traditional Romanian village architecture and crafts. It offers insights into the country's rural heritage and cultural traditions.

Muzeul Național Brukenthal

This museum in Sibiu houses a vast collection of European art, including paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious museums in Romania and a significant cultural institution.

Romanian National Museum of Art

Housed in the former Royal Palace in Bucharest, this museum showcases a vast collection of Romanian art, from medieval icons to modern paintings and sculptures. It is a treasure trove of cultural heritage and a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

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Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.