Sacred Sites of Cuba

Cuba Map

Cuba: Syncretism and Spirited Devotion

Cuba offers a fascinating window into the intersection of faith and cultures. Indigenous beliefs, Catholicism introduced by Spanish colonizers, and the strong influence of African spiritual traditions come together in practices with uniquely Cuban expression. From vibrant pilgrimages to quieter moments of devotion, spiritual landscapes weave throughout the island.

Basílica Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre, El Cobre

The iconic Basilica in El Cobre stands as a powerful symbol within Cuban spirituality. Dedicated to Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre (Our Lady of Charity), Cuba's patron saint, it draws fervent pilgrims offering prayers, seeking miracles, and fulfilling promises. This grand basilica offers a glimpse into the deeply devotional heart of Cuban spirituality and devotion to this cherished figure.

Santuario de San Lázaro (El Rincón)

Situated near Havana, the Santuario de San Lázaro (pictured above, also known as the El Rincón Shrine) provides a focal point for a unique expression of religious devotion. Combining iconography and practices associated with Saint Lazarus from Catholicism and the Yoruba deity Babalú Ayé, this sanctuary embodies the syncretism central to Cuban religious belief. Devotees of San Lázaro/Babalú Ayé travel here for offerings and supplication, particularly regarding issues of health and healing.

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Regla, Regla

Located in the town of Regla across the bay from Havana, this church honors the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Regla (Yemayá in the Santería religion). With roots in both Catholic and Yoruba traditions, Regla serves as a powerful beacon of syncretic spirituality. Festivities dedicated to Our Lady of Regla demonstrate the energetic intertwining of religious devotion, music, dance, and cultural celebration.

Havana Cathedral (Catedral de San Cristobal), Havana

A stunning example of Cuban baroque architecture, the Havana Cathedral graces the Plaza de la Catedral. As a landmark in Old Havana, the cathedral acts as a significant center for the Catholic community in Cuba and reflects the long history of the Church's presence. Visitors can appreciate both the religious symbolism within, as well as its artistic contributions to the cityscape.


Cuba's distinctive expressions of spirituality make exploration a fascinating cultural experience. Please be mindful of customs and respectful behavior when visiting any sacred sites on the island, being sure to follow any posted guidance or advice to avoid inadvertent offense.

Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.