• Monastery of Izamal, Yucatan, Mexico
  • Mt. Ararat and the Armenian Christian monastery of Khor Virap, Turkey
  • Itsukushima shrine, Miyajima Island, Japan
  • Stone carvings, Nemrut Dagi, Turkey
  • Gorakhnath Temple, Gorakhpur, India
  • The Holy Feet of the Sri Gomatheswar statue, Shravanabelagola, India
  • The Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet
  • Mt. Kailash, Tibet
  • Men-an-Tol Megalithic stone, Cornwall, England
  • Pyramids of Meroe, Sudan

The Deeper Meaning


There is a widespread socio-cultural phenomenon occurring which is the awakening and vitalization of a global eco-spiritual consciousness. Among the wonderful aspects of this global awakening is the realization of the interdependency of all living things and the earth. Deriving from this realization is the understanding that each human - man or woman, white or black, western or eastern, rich or poor – is a child of one spirit, one energy, one god, one love. This sublime state of consciousness is the promise of each person on the planet. There are many paths to this consciousness, many methods of inner and outer work.

There is also an earth-based energy available to human beings, concentrated at specific places all across the planet, which catalyzes and increases this eco-spiritual consciousness. These places are the sacred sites discussed and illustrated on this website. Before their prehistoric human use, before their usurpation by different religions, these sites were simply places of power. They continue to radiate their powers, which anyone may access by visiting the sacred sites. No rituals are necessary, no practice of a particular religion, no belief in a certain philosophy; all that is needed is for an individual to visit a power site and simply be present.

As the flavor of herbal tea will steep into warm water, so also will the essence of these power places enter into one's heart and mind and soul. As each of us awakens to a fuller knowing of the universality of life, we in turn further empower the global field of eco-spiritual consciousness. That is the deeper meaning and purpose of these magical holy places: they are source points of the power of spiritual illumination.

Religious Pluralism

In these times of worsening religious extremism, it would be of great benefit for us all to realize that at their core each of the different religions are saying the same thing. They are proclaiming that God is one and that all things, all people, are born from that oneness. In God, there are no differences, no separations. Only oneness, sameness. Equality. Irrespective of the creed - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu - all people praise and pray to the same indivisible divinity. We must realize this. We all love and are loved by the same God. If we recognize this and affirm it with our actions, we will be an immeasurable force for religious tolerance in the world. The sacred sites, the pilgrimage places illustrated here, are where people most passionately give praise and prayer to God. Go there, be present in that divinity, be in love with that love.

Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at sacredsites.com is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.