Sacred Sites of Guatemala

Guatemala Map

Guatemala: Land of Ancient Mysteries and Spiritual Traditions

Guatemala's landscape weaves a complex tapestry of historical marvels and continued spiritual practice. Ruins from the powerful Maya civilization offer glimpses into religious beliefs centered upon complex astronomy, calendars, and deities. Alongside these vestiges, Christian pilgrimage destinations blend with enduring indigenous traditions, creating a multifaceted religious landscape.

Ruins of Tikal

Tikal (pictured above) is one of the largest and most well-known Maya archaeological sites. Located in the Petén Basin of Guatemala, it was a major Maya city during the Classic period. Tikal is known for its towering temples, elaborate palaces, and intricately carved stelae.

Ruins of El Mirador

El Mirador is a vast pre-Columbian Maya city located deep in the jungles of northern Guatemala. It was one of the largest and most powerful cities in the Maya world during the Preclassic period. The site is known for its enormous pyramids and elaborate stucco masks.

Ruins of Uaxactun

Uaxactun is an ancient Maya city located in the Petén Basin of Guatemala. It was one of the earliest Maya cities and is known for its astronomical observatory, which was used to track the movements of celestial bodies.

Ruins of Yaxha

Yaxha is a major Maya archaeological site located near the Yaxha Lake in Guatemala. The city flourished during the Classic Period of Maya civilization and features monumental temples, plazas, and causeways.

Ruins of Piedras Negras

Piedras Negras is a Maya site located on the Usumacinta River in Guatemala. The city was a powerful Maya center during the Classic Period. Piedras Negras is known for its well-preserved sculptures and hieroglyphic texts.

Ruins of Altar de Sacrificios

Altar de Sacrificios is a Maya archaeological site located on the Pasión River in Guatemala. It was a major Maya city during the Classic period and is known for its hieroglyphic texts and sculptures.

Ruins of El Ceibal

El Ceibal is a Maya site located on the Pasión River in Guatemala. The city was an important ceremonial center during the Late Classic Period of Maya civilization and features intricate pyramids, palaces, and stelae.

Ruins of Quirigua

Quirigua is a Maya archaeological site located in southeastern Guatemala. It was an important Maya city during the Late Classic period and is known for its towering stelae, some of the tallest in the Maya world.

Ruins of Abaj Takalik

Abaj Takalik is a Maya site located in southwestern Guatemala. It was an important city during the Preclassic and Classic periods of Maya civilization and features a mix of Mayan and Olmec influences.

Ruins of El Baul

El Baul is a Maya archaeological site located in southern Guatemala. It was an important city during the Late Preclassic and Early Classic periods of Maya civilization and features well-preserved sculptures and monuments.

Ruins of Monte Alto

Monte Alto is a pre-Columbian Maya site in Guatemala known for its "potbelly" statues, massive carved figures with rounded abdomens.

Ruins of Kaminaljuyu

Kaminaljuyu is a pre-Columbian Maya archaeological site located in the modern-day Guatemala City. It was one of the largest and most important cities in the Maya highlands during the Preclassic period.

Church of La Virgen de Plata, Chiantla

The Church of La Virgen de Plata (Church of the Virgin of Silver) is a Catholic church located in Chiantla, Guatemala. It is a popular pilgrimage destination for Catholics, who come to venerate the image of the Virgin Mary.

Church of Santo Tomas, Chichicastenango

The Church of Santo Tomas is a Catholic church located in the town of Chichicastenango, Guatemala. It is built on the site of a pre-Columbian Maya temple and is a place where Mayan and Catholic traditions blend.

Lago Atitlan

Lago Atitlan (Lake Atitlan) is a sacred lake for the Maya people and is surrounded by Indigenous villages steeped in tradition. It is known for its stunning natural beauty and the numerous Mayan sites located around its shores.

Church of El Cristo Negro, Esquipulas

The Basilica of Esquipulas is a Catholic church located in the town of Esquipulas, Guatemala. It is dedicated to the Black Christ of Esquipulas, a revered image of a crucified Jesus, and a major pilgrimage destination in Central America.

Important Note:

As you explore sacred sites in Guatemala, remember to approach them with respect, regardless of whether they are ancient ruins or places of ongoing practice. Seek guidance from local communities before exploring locations potentially linked to living indigenous beliefs.

Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.