Look at the list of world regions at the top. Click on a region. Look at the list of countries in that region. Click on a country. Look at the list of power places in that country. Click on a particular site to see photos and descriptions.
The Bigger Picture
There are particular places on the planet that have special energies and powers. Some of them are well known religious pilgrimage sites. All of these places have a spiritual magnetism that draws people to them and a power that benefits visitors.
The Message
The Earth is a grand living being with countless millions of living forms. We as humans may contribute to the healing of the Earth by making conscious pilgrimages to the power places, an action that may be understood as Planetary Acupuncture.
What to do
The most important thing is to be aware. Look and feel deeply, slow down, be patient and respectful.
What this means for you
Each different power place has a specific character or energy. Different power places are resonant for different people. You will often know which places are resonant for you by looking at the photographs on sacredsites.com. Go to those places that attract you and experience their power.
Where to go from here
That is for you to discover. The power places will give you clarity and empowerment. Go to them and simply be present.