Cape Town Area Sacred Geography

Cape Town Map
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Great Mother Stone, Llandudno, Cape Town

Great Mother Stone, Llandudno, Cape Town

Great Mother Stone, Llandudno, Cape Town

Great Mother Stone, Llandudno, Cape Town

Great Mother Stone, Llandudno, Cape Town

Great Mother Stone, Llandudno, Cape Town

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Hippo rock and cave, Paarl Mountain

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Pyramid all seeing eye rock, marker stone, Black Hill, Sun Valley

Tripod Marker Stone, Trappies Kop, Sun Valley

Tripod Marker Stone, Trappies Kop, Sun Valley

Tripod Marker Stone, Trappies Kop, Sun Valley

Tripod Marker Stone, Trappies Kop, Sun Valley

Tunnel cave, Acension cave, Sun Valley

Tunnel cave, Acension cave, Sun Valley

The preceding photographs were taken during my five-month journey through thirteen countries of southeastern Africa in 2016. While in the country of South Africa I had the good fortune to spend several days with Dean Liprini visiting the sacred sites of the Cape Town area.

Dean Liprini is based in Cape Town, South Africa, and has for over 30 years explored and researched the sacred sites of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia. The author of Pathways of the Sun, Unveiling the Mysteries of Table Mountain & Beyond, he has studied archaeology, astronomy, geology, geography, history, mythology, sacred geometry, and the healing aspects of sacred sites. To help protect sacred sites and to create greater awareness of them, he founded the Sacred Site Foundation of Southern Africa in 2012. Dean leads tours to the sacred sites and can be contacted at his web site,, and by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Some of Dean's writings include:

Unveiling the Ancient Mysteries at the tip of South Africa
Who built the Sacred Sites in Southern Africa?
What is the significance of the Sacred Sites of Southern Africa?

Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.