Bibliography: (J)

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Jackowski, Antoni (ed.)
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Jackson, A.V.Williams
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Jackson, Anthony
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Jackson, John G.
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Jacolliot, Louis
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Jagadisa-Ayyar, P.V.
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The Hall of Records: Hidden Mysteries of the Pyramid and Sphinx; Holistic Life Travels; San Francisco; 1980

James, E.O.
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The Ancient Gods; G.P. Putnam's Sons; N.Y.; 1960

The Cult of the Mother-Goddess: An Archaeological and Documentary Study; Frederick A. Praeger; New York; 1959

James, John
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James, P.
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James, Van
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Handbook of Old Shrines and Treasures in Japan; Bureau of Religions; Tokyo; 1920

Jarrow, Rick
In Search of the Sacred; Theosophical Publishing House; Wheaton, Illinois; 1986

Jennings, Jesse D. (ed.)
Ancient South Americas; W. H. Freeman and Co.; San Francisco; 1983

Jennings, Jesse D. & Edward Norbeck (eds.)
Prehistoric Man in the New World; University of Chicago Press; Chicago; 1964

Jennings, Russel and Micheal Kelsey
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Jennings, Hargrave
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Jest, Corneille
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Tales of the Turquoise, A Pilgrimage in Dolpo; Snow Lion Publications; Ithica, New York; 1998

Jett, Stephen C.
Precolumbian Transoceanic Contacts; in Ancient South Americans; edited by Jesse D. Jennings; W. H. Freeman and Co.; San Francisco; 1983; pp. 337-393

An Introduction to Navajo Sacred Places; Journal of Cultural Geography; Vol. 13:1; Fall, 1992

Jha, Makkan (ed.)
Social Anthropology of Pilgrimage; Inter-India Publications; New Delhi; 1990

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Jidejian, Nina
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Johar, Surinder Singh
The Sikh Gurus and Their Shrines; Vivek Publishing Co.; Delhi; 1976

Johnson, N.B.
Temple Architecture as Construction of Consciousness; Architecture and Behavior; 1988, vol. 4, p.229-250

Johnson, Russel
The Sacred Mountain of Tibet: On Pilgrimage to Kailas; Park Street Press & Harper and Row; N.Y.; 1989

Johnsson, W.G.
Pilgrimage Motif in the Book of Hebrews; Journal of Biblical Literature;1978, vol. 97

Jones, Alan
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Jones, Charles C.
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Jones, David M. & Brian Molyneaux
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Jones, Donald W.
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Jones, Kelvin
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Jordan, Michael
Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the World; Facts on File; New York; 1993

Joseph, Frank
Sacred Sites: A Guidebook to Sacred Centers and Mysterious Places in the U.S; Llewellyn Publishers; St. Paul, Minnesota; 1992

The Destruction of Atlantis: Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization; Inner Traditions; Rochester, Vermont; 2002

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The Lost Treasure of King Juba: The Evidence of Africans in America Before Colombus; Inner Traditions; Rochester, Vermont; 2003

The Lost Civilization of Lemuria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture; Bear & Company; Rochester, Vermont; 2006

Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America: Lost History And Legends, Unearthed And Explored; New Page Books; Pompton Plains, New Jersey 2006

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The Lost Colonies of Ancient America, A comprehensive Guide to the Pre-Colombian Visitors that Really Discovered America; New Page Books; Pompton Plains, New Jersey; 2014

Joseph, Frank and Laura Beaudoin
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Joussaume, Roger
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Jowett, George F.
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Judge, W. James & John B. Carlson (eds.)
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Jung, Carl
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Justice, Christopher
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