Sacred Sites of Peru

Peru Map

Peru Sacred Spaces and Pilgrimage Destinations

Peru's landscapes and historical sites intertwine with spirituality, drawing both devoted pilgrims and those seeking cultural understanding. Explore these places of enduring power:

Incan Sacred Sites

Machu Picchu

The Lost City of the Incas is a marvel of engineering and a spiritual powerhouse. While its exact purpose remains debated, Machu Picchu's temples and astronomical alignments hint at Inca cosmology and connection to their natural surroundings. Many choose to hike the Inca Trail as a modern pilgrimage to this iconic site.

Sacsayhuamán, Cusco

Overlooking the Inca capital of Cusco, Sacsayhuamán's mighty walls built from stones so intricately fitted seem almost superhuman. The site likely held both military and religious importance, as the Inca often intertwined earthly power with the divine.


An Inca fortress-town in the Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo boasts immense terraces and its Temple of the Sun showcasing their dedication to both defense and sacred ritual.

Tambomachay, Cusco

This Inca site features intricate water channels and pools, reflecting the significance of water in Inca belief. Tambomachay was likely a place for the Inca elite to perform rituals of purification and connection to this life-giving element.

Pre-Incan Sites

Chavín de Huántar

Chavín de Huántar served as a major pilgrimage destination for an influential pre-Inca civilization. Its labyrinthine passages and elaborate carvings of powerful deities offer a glimpse into a religious worldview older than the Inca themselves.

Aramu Muru

A mysterious doorway-like carving etched into a colossal rock, Aramu Muru draws those seeking the unknown. Legends attribute a variety of supernatural qualities to this enigmatic site.

Places of Catholic Pilgrimage

Iglesia de Las Nazarenas, Señor de los Milagros, Lima

Home to the image of the Señor de los Milagros, an object of intense veneration, this church in Lima draws a massive, devoted following, especially during the October processions showcasing the image through the city.

Santuario de Señor de Huanca, San Salvador

Devotees seek miracles and offer their prayers at this sanctuary devoted to a much-revered image of Christ.

Blending of Spirituality


The Star Snow (Qoyllorit'i) festival brings thousands of pilgrims to a high Andean glacier. This unique festival melds indigenous Andean ritual with Catholic symbolism, drawing both the devout and the curious to its dramatic landscapes.

Other Sacred Sites

Pachacamac, Lima

A sprawling pilgrimage site since pre-Inca times, Pachacamac continued to have spiritual importance to the Inca and then after the Spanish conquest, revealing layers of belief spanning millennia.

Marcahuamachuco, Huamachuco

These pre-Incan ruins with their monumental walls and puzzling layouts are shrouded in ancient mystery and continue to captivate visitors.

Important Note:

Many of these sites hold profound sacredness for specific groups or religions. When visiting, demonstrate respect for local cultures and their spiritual practices. It may be inappropriate to photograph certain areas or ceremonies, and some sites may be restricted to devoted practitioners.

Pilgrimage Church of Otuzco
Martin Gray

Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During a 40 year period he has visited more than 2000 pilgrimage places in 165 countries. The World Pilgrimage Guide at is the most comprehensive source of information on this subject.