Numerous kinds of power places and sacred sites may be found around the world. As we examine the factors contributing to the presence of energy fields at these places, having a list of the kinds of sites one may encounter will be helpful. Over the years, I have identified thirty-two categories of power places, listed below, along with examples of specific sites. Some of these categories overlap, and some sites mentioned could be listed under two or more categories.

  • Sacred mountains: Olympus, Fuji, Popocatepetl, Ararat, Kailash, Hesperus
  • Human-built sacred mountains: Great Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Silbury Hill, Cahokia mound
  • Sacred bodies of water: Pushkar Lake, Ganges River, Lake Titicaca, Blue Lake
  • Sacred islands: Lindisfarne, Iona, Miyajima, Delos, Wizard, Valaam
  • Healing springs: Asklepions, Milk River, Bath, Tomagawa Onsen
  • Healing and power stones: Blarney, Men-an-tol, Kabba
  • Sacred trees and forest groves: Bodh Gaya, Anuradhapura, St. Catherine's at Sinai, Glastonbury
  • Places of ancient mythological importance: Vrindavan, Izumo Taisha, Kachina Peak
  • Ancient ceremonial sites: Machu Picchu, Karnack, Palenque
  • Ancient astronomical observatories: Stonehenge, Monte Alban, Externsteine, Carnac, Fajada Butte
  • Human-erected solitary standing stones: throughout the world
  • Megalithic chambered mounds: Newgrange, Gavr'inis, sites around the northeastern United States
  • Labyrinth sites: Knossos, Glastonbury Tor, turf mazes of England, stone mazes of Scandinavia
  • Places with massive landscape carvings: Cerne Abas giant, Serpent Mound, Nazca lines
  • Regions delineated by sacred geographies: Kii peninsula, Languedoc, Australian songlines
  • Oracular caves, mountains, and sites: Siwa, Delphi, Patmos, Hebron, Mt. Sinai, Katsuragi San
  • Male deity / god shrines / yang sites: Shiva jyotir lingams, Apollonian temples
  • Female deity / goddess shrines / yin sites: Shakti Pitha, Diana temples, St. Brigid springs, Marian shrines
  • Birthplaces of saints: Lumbini, Bethlehem, Assisi
  • Places where sages attained enlightenment: Shatrunajaya, Nantai San, Bodh Gaya, Mt. Tabor
  • Death places of saints: Kushinager, Dakshineshwar, Tiruvanamalai
  • Sites where relics of saints and martyrs were/are kept: Canterbury, Kandy, Mt. Athos, Vezelay, Konya
  • Places with enigmatic fertility legends and/or images: Cerne Abas, Sayil, Paestum
  • Places with miracle-working icons: Sabarimala, Tinos Island, Izamal, Guadalupe
  • Places chosen by animals or birds: Durham, Talpa
  • Places chosen by various geomantic divinatory methods: Koya San, Chinese feng shui sites
  • Ancient esoteric schools: Giza, Chartres, Uxmal, Mitla, Ephesus
  • Ancient monasteries: Lhasa, Externsteine, Mihintale, Ellora
  • Places where dragons were slain or sighted: St. Michael's Mount, Delphi
  • Places of Marian apparitions: Zaragoza, Lourdes, Fatima, Knock, Zeitun
  • Unique natural features: geysers, volcanoes, sink holes
  • Places where UFOs or other anomalous extraterrestrial phenomena have been seen.