(1)   Devereux, Paul; Earth Memory, Sacred Sites - Doorways into Earth's Mysteries

(2)   Devereux, Paul & John Steele & David Kubrin; Earth Mind: Communicating with the Living World of Gaia

(3)   Devereux, Paul; Earth Memory, Sacred Sites - Doorways into Earth's Mysteries

(4)   Watson, Burton. trans.; ColdMountain; 100 Poems by the T'ang Poet Han-Shan

(5)   Versluis, Arthur; Sacred Earth: The Spiritual Landscape of Native America

(6)   For more on this subject see Grapard, A; FlyingMountains and Walkers of Emptiness: Towards a Definition of Sacred Space in Japanese Religions

(7)   Eitel, E.J.; Feng Shui:The Rudiments of Natural Science in China

(8)   Richer, Jean; Sacred Geography of the Ancient Greeks

(9)   Temple, Robert K.G.; The Sirius Mystery

(10)  For further information on this, consult Lincoln, Henry; The Holy Place

(11)  For more on this subject consult: Devereux, Paul; Shamanism and the Mystery Lines: Ley Lines, Spirit Paths, Shape-Shifting, and Out-of-Body Travel

(12)   Some of this quoted material is from Devereux's book Earth Memory, while some is from a source whose title I have misplaced.

(13)  Devereux, Paul; EarthMind

(14)  Devereux, Paul; Earth Memory

(15)  Goldman, Jonathan; Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics

(16)  Tame, David; The Secret Power of Music

(17)  Damian, Peter and Kate; Aromatherapy: Scent and Psyche

(18)  Eliade, Mircea; Sacred Places: Temple, Palace, 'Center of the World' ; in Patterns in Comparative Religion

(19)  Nolan, Mary Lee; Christian Pilgrimage in Modern Western Europe

(20)  Grapard, Allan G.; FlyingMountains and Walkers of Emptiness: Sacred Space in Japanese Religion

(21)  Srikant; Power in Temples

(22)  Coleman, Simon and John Elsner; The Pilgrim's Progress: Art, Architecture and Ritual Movement at Sinai

(23)  Landay, Jerry M.; Dome of the Rock

(24)  Foard, James; The Boundaries of Compassion: Buddhism and National Tradition in Japanese Pilgrimage

(25)  Kitagawa, J.M.; Three Types of Pilgrimage in Japan

(26)  Reader, Ian and Tony Walter; Pilgrimage in Popular Culture

(27)  Nolan, Mary Lee; Christian Pilgrimage in Modern Western Europe

(28)  Morinis, Alan and N. Ross Crumrine; La Peregrinacion: The Latin American Pilgrimage

(29)  Foard, James; The Boundaries of Compassion: Buddhism and National Tradition in Japanese Pilgrimage

(30)   Turner, Victor; Drama, Fields and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society

(31)   Morinis, Alan; Sacred Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage

(32)  Grapard, Allan; FlyingMountains and Walkers of Emptiness: Toward a Definition of Sacred Space In Japanese Religion

(33)  Aziz, Barbara Nimri;  Personal Dimensions of the Sacred Journey: What Pilgrims Say

(34)  Morinis, Alan and N. Ross Crumrine; La Peregrinacion: The Latin American Pilgrimage

(35)  Wilson, Peter L.; The Caravan of Summer

(36)  Translated from the classical Chinese by Allan Grapard; in The Mountain Spirit by Tobias and Drasdo.

(37)  Campbell, Joseph; The Historical Development of Mythology; In Myths and Mythmaking , edited by Murray, H.A.

(38)  Housden, Roger; Travels Through Sacred India

(39)  Naquin, Susan and Chun-fang Yu; Pilgrimage and Sacred Sites in China

(40)  Reader, Ian and Tony Walter, eds.; Pilgrimage in Popular Culture

(41)  Morinis, Alan; Sacred Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage

(42)  Campbell, Joseph; The Inner Reaches of Outer Space: Metaphor as Myth and as Religion

(43)  Furst, Peter E.; Mushrooms: Psychedelic Fungi

(44)  Bennet, Chris; Osborn, Lynn and Osborn, Judy; Green Gold, the Tree of Life: Marijuana in Magic and Religion

(45)  Lawlor, Robert; Ancient Temple Architecture, in Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science; edited by Bamford, Christopher

(46)  For detailed information on these matters consult the works of archaeoastronomers such as Aveni, Bauval, Brennan, Burl, Daniel, Eddy, Hawkins, Krupp, MacKie, Renfrew, Thom, Tompkins, and Williams  listed in the bibliography.

(47)  Williamson, Ray A.; Living the Sky: The Cosmos of the American Indian

(48)  Eitell, E.J.; Feng-Shui: The Science of Sacred Landscape in Old China