Cook, Gary
The Secret Land: The People Before

The Secret Land: Journeys Into the Mystery

Cowan, James
Fairy Folk Tales of the Maori

Cowan, James & Colin Beard
Sacred Places in Australia

Doutre', Martin
Ancient Celtic New Zealand

Hill, Barry
The Rock: Travelling to Uluru

King, Michael
1000 Years of Maori History

Miller, Hamish & Paul Broadhurst
In Search of the Southern Serpent

Noonuccal, Oodgeroo
Australian Legends and Landscapes

Poignant, R.
Oceanic and Australasian Mythology

Rawson, Grace
Journey of the Symbols of New Zealand

Reed, A.W.
Aboriginal Myths, Legends & Fables

Strong, Steven and Evan
Between a Rock and a Hard Place, The Out of Australia Theory

Swain, Tony
A Place for Strangers: Towards a History of Australian Aboriginal Being

Tacon, Paul S.C
Identifying Ancient Sacred Landscapes in Australia: From Physical to Social; Archaeologies of Landscape, Ashmore, Wendy (ed.)

Aboriginal mythology