Earhart, H. Byron
A Religious Study of the Mount Haguro Sect of Shugendo

Foard, James H.
The Boundaries of Compassion: Buddhism and the National Tradition in Japanese Pilgrimage

Grapard, Allan G.
Flying Mountains and Walkers of Emptiness: Toward a Definition of Sacred Space in Japanese

Hori, Ichiro
Mountains and Their Importance For the Idea of the Other World in Japanese Folk Religion

Japanese Government Publications
Handbook of Old Shrines and Treasures in Japan

Kitagawa, Joseph M.
Folk Religion in Japan: Continuity and Change

Three Types of Pilgrimage in Japan

Reader, Ian
Miniaturization and Proliferation: A Study of Small-Scale Pilgrimages in Japan

Religion in Contemporary Japan

Readicker-Henderson, (ed.)
The Traveler’s Guide to Japanese Pilgrimages

Starr, Frederick
Fujiyama: The Sacred Mountain of Japan

Statler, Oliver
Japanese Pilgrimage

Swanson, Paul L.
Shugendo and the Yoshino-Kumano Pilgrimage: An Example of Mountain Pilgrimage