Adair, John
The Pilgrim’s Way: Shrines and Saints in Britain and Ireland

Anderson, Wallace and Clive Hicks
Holy Places of the British Isles

Barber, Chris
Mysterious Wales

More Mysterious Wales

Barrow, George L.
The Round Towers of Ireland: A Study and Gazetteer

Behrend, Michael
The Landscape Geometry of Southern Britain

Bord, Janet and Colin
Mysterious Britain

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The Secret Country

Earth Rites

Boulter, B.C.
Pilgrims Shrines of England

Brabbs, Derry
Pilgrimage, The Great Pilgrim Routes of Britain and Europe

Branigan, Keith
Prehistoric Britain

Brennan, J.H.
A Guide to Megalithic Ireland

Brennan, Martin
The Stars and the Stones: Ancient Art and Astronomy in Ireland

Broadhurst, Paul
Secret Shrines: In Search of the Old Holy Wells of Cornwall

The Green Man and the Dragon: The Mysteries Behind the Myth of St. George and the Dragon Power of Nature

Burl, Aubrey
The Stone Circles of the British Isles

The Rites of the Gods

From Carnac to Callanish: The Prehistoric Stone Rows and Avenues of Britain, Ireland and

Burnham, Andy (ed.)
The Old Stones: A Field Guide to the Megalithic Sites of Britain and Ireland

Cantwell, Jim
Holy Places of Ireland

Cooney, Gabriel
Landscapes of Neolithic Ireland

Cope, Julian
The Megalithic European, The 21ST Century Traveler in Prehistoric Europe

Dames, Michael
The Silbury Treasure: The Great Goddess Rediscovered

Mythic Ireland

Daphne, D.C. and Pochin Mould
Irish Pilgrimage

Dunford, Barry
The Holy Land of Scotland: Jesus in Scotland & the Gospel of the Grail

Vision of Albion, the Key to the Holy Grail: Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Christ Family in the Holy Land of Britain

Flanagan, Laurence
Ancient Ireland: Life Before the Celts

Grinsell, Leslie V.
Some Aspects of the Folklore of Prehistoric Monuments

Folklore of Prehistoric Sites in Britain

Hamilton, Dave
Wild Ruins B.C., The Explorer’s Guide to Britain’s Ancient Sites

Harbison, Peter
Guide to National Monuments of Ireland

Pilgrimage to Ireland: The Monuments and the People

Early Irish Pilgrim Archaeology in the Dingle Peninsula

Haughton, Brian
Haunted Spaces, Sacred Places, A Field Guide to Stone Circles, Crop Circles, Ancient Tombs and Supernatural Landscapes

Hawkes, Jacquetta
A Guide to the Prehistoric and Roman Monuments in England and Wales

Heath, Robin
Sun, Moon & Stonehenge: Proof of the High Culture in Ancient Britain

Heath, Robin & John Michell
The Measure of Albion: The Lost Science of Prehistoric Britain

Hope, Charles
Holy Wells of England

Hutton, Ronald
Pagan Britain

Keane, Marcus
The Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland

Knight, Peter
Stolen Images, Pagan Symbolism and Christianity

Dartmoor Landscapes, Re-Visioning a Sacred Landscape

Lalor, Brian
The Irish Round Tower, Origins and Architecture Explored

Lines, Marianna
The Traveller’s Guide to Sacred Scotland

Logan, Patrick
The Holy Wells of Ireland

Mann, Nicholas R.
The Isle of Avalon, Sacred Mysteries of Arthur and Glastonbury Tor

Energy Secrets of Glastonbury Tor

Avebury Cosmos, The Neolithic World of Avebury henge, Silbury Hill, West Kennet long barrow, the Sanctuary & the Longstones Cove

Martin, Christina
Sacred Springs

Mayhew-Smith, Nick
Britain’s Holiest Places, The Complete Visitor Guide to 500 Places

Mayhew-Smith, Nick and Guy Hayward
Britain’s Pilgrim Places

McDonnel, Hector
Irish Round Towers

McNally, Kenneth
Standing Stones and Other Monuments of Early Ireland

Meehan, Cary
The Traveler’s Guide to Sacred Ireland

Miller, Hamish & Paul Broadhurst
The Sun and the Serpent: An Investigation into Earth Energies

The Dance of the Dragon: An Odyssey into Earth Energies and Ancient Religion

Murphy, Anthony
Mythical Ireland, New Light on the Ancient Past

O’Hogain, Daithi
The Sacred Isle: Belief and Religion in Pre-Christian Ireland

Palmer, Martin & Nigel
Sacred Britain: A Guide to the Sacred Sites and Pilgrim Routes of England, Scotland and Wales

Pemberton, Cintra
Soulfaring: Celtic Pilgrimage, Then and Now

Pennick, Nigel
Celtic Sacred Landscapes

Pitts, Mike

Roy, Rob
Stone Circles: A Modern Builder’s Guide to the Megalithic Revival

Ruggles, Clive.L.N.
Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland

Scarre, Chris
The Megalithic Monuments of Britain and Ireland

Screeton, Paul
Quicksilver Heritage: The Mystic Leys, Their Legacy of Ancient Wisdom

Sheldrake, Philip
Living Between Worlds: Place and Journey in Celtic Spirituality

Silva, Freddy
Scotland’s Hidden Sacred Past

Sumption, Jonathen
Pilgrimage: An Image of Medieval Religion

Taylor, Jeremy
Seven Wonders, Suffolk’s Ancient Sites: A Vision of an Arcane Landscape

Thom, Alexander
Megalithic Sites in Britain

Megalithic Lunar Observatories

Watkins, Alfred
The Old Straight Track

Early British Trackways

The Ley Hunters Manual - A Guide to Early Tracks, Sites and Mark Stones

Watt, Francis
Canterbury Pilgrims and their Ways

Williams, Ani
Guardians of the Dragon Path; Ancient Temples of the Pyrenees, The Way of the Stars Camino, A Magdalena Meridian