Batchelor, Stephen
The Tibet Guide

Bedi, Rahul and Swamy Subramaniam
Kailas and Manosaravar: After 22 Years in Shiva's Domain

Chan, Victor
Tibet Handbook: A Pilgrimage Guide

Crook, John & James Low
The Yogins of Ladakh, A Pilgrimage Among the Hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas

Dorje, Gyurme
Footprint Tibet

Dowman, Keith
The Sacred Life of Tibet

Gold, Peter
Tibetan Pilgrimage

Govinda, Lama Anagarika
The Way of the White Clouds: A Buddhist Pilgrimage in Tibet

Hamsa, Bhagwan Shri
The Holy Mountain: Manosarovar and the Mount Kailash

Huber, T.
Putting the gnas back into gnaskor: Rethinking Tibetan Buddhist Pilgrimage Practice

Jest, Corneille
Tales of the Turquoise, A Pilgrimage in Dolpo

Johnson, Russel
The Sacred Mountain of Tibet: On Pilgrimage to Kailas

Kelly, Thomas and Carroll Dunham and Ian Baker
Tibet: Reflections from the Wheel of Life

Snellgrove, David
Himalayan Pilgrimage: A Study of Tibetan Religion by a Traveler through western Nepal

Snelling, John
The Sacred Mountain

Stutchbury, Elizabeth
Perceptions of Landscape in Karzha: “Sacred” Geography and the Tibetan System of “Geomancy”

Thubron, Colin
To a Mountain in Tibet

Thurman, Robert and Tad Wise
Circling the Sacred Mountain: A Spiritual Adventure Through the Himalayas