Aitken, Bill
Seven Sacred Rivers

Acharya, Sabita
Pilgrimage in Indian Civilization

Balaram Iyer, T.G.S.
Pilgrims Guide: South India

Bharati, Agehananda
Pilgrimage in the Indian Tradition

Pilgrimage Sites and Indian Civilization

Bhardwaj, Surinder
Hindu Places of Pilgrimage in India: A Study in Cultural Geography

Brunton, Paul
A Search in Secret India

Clothey, Fred
The Many Faces of Murukan: The History and Meaning of a South Indian God

Skanda-Sastri: A Festival in South India

Cushman, Anne & Jerry Jones
From Here to Nirvana: The Yoga Journal Guide to Spiritual India

Dave, J.H.
Immortal India

Dhruva, Maharaja dasa
Vrndavana Dhama Ki Jaya: A Pictorial Guide to the Land of Krsna

Dubey, D.P.
Kumbha Mela: Origin and Historicity of India's Greatest Pilgrimage

Eck, Diana L.
Banaras: City of Light

Darsan; Seeing the Divine Image in India

India's Tirthas: "Crossings" In Sacred Geography

Haberman, David L.
Journey Through the Twelve Forests: An Encounter with Krishna

Housden, Roger
Travels Through Sacred India

Howley, John
Holy Places and Temples in India

Johar, Surinder Singh
The Sikh Gurus and Their Shrines

Karve, I.
On the Road: A Maharashtrian Pilgrimage

Khatoon, Zohar
Muslim Saints and their Shrines

Kramrisch, Stella
The Hindu Temple

The Presence of Siva

Law, BC
Historical Geography of Ancient India

Holy Places of India

Mallory, J.P.
In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology and Myth

Malville, J.M. and Baidyanath Saraswati
Pilgrimage: Sacred Landscapes and Self-Organized Complexity

Michell, George
The Hindu Temple: An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms

Morinis, Alan;
Pilgrimage in the Hindu Tradition: A Case Study in West Bengal

Mukherjee, Bikash;
Religious Centres of North India

Pattanaik, Devdutt;
7 Secrets of the Goddess

7 Secrets of Shiva

7 Secrets of Vishnu

Myth=Mithya, Decoding Hindu Mythology

Patnaik, Nityananda
Sacred Geography of Puri: Structure, Organization and Cultural Role of a Pilgrim

Sacred Complex in Orissa, Study of the Three Major Aspects of the Sacred Geography

Pintchman, Tracy
The Rise of the Goddess in the Hindu Tradition

Ramaswami, N.S.; 
Houses of God: Select Temples of South India

Ramachandra Rao, S.K.
The Indian Temple: Its Meaning

Ramanayya, N. Venkata
An Essay on the Origin of the South Indian Temple

Saraswati, Baidyanath
The Spectrum of the Sacred: Essays on the Religious Traditions of India

Sastry, T.S.
A Guide to Pilgrimage to Uttar Khand

Sax, William
Mountain Goddess: Gender and Politics in a Himalayan Pilgrimage

Sekar, Radhika
The Sabarimalai Pilgrimage and Ayyappan Cultus

Shearer, Alistar
The Travelers Key to Northern India

Singh, Harihar;
Jaina Temples of Western India

Singh, Johar Surinder
The Sikh Gurus and Their Shrines

Singh, Rana
Panchakroshi Yatra, Varanasi:Sacred Journey, Ecology of Place and Faithscape

Banaras: Cosmic Order, Sacred City, Hindu Traditions

The Layout of Sacred Places

The Spirit and Power of Place

Sacred Geography of the Goddesses in South Asia: Essays in Memory of David Kinsley

Sircar, D.C.
The Sakta Pithas

Power in Temples: A New Look through Modern Science

Stanley, John M.
Special Time, Special Power: The Fluidity of Power in a Popular Hindu Festival

Stoddard, Robert
Hindu Holy Sites in India

Subhan, John A.
Sufism, Its Saints and Shrines: An Introduction to the Study of Sufism with Special Reference to India

Vidyarthi, L.P.
The Sacred Complex in Hindu Gaya